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Current Development Status

The image banner should display a visual representation of the current development status, including completed features, ongoing development, and future plans.

This document provides an overview of the technical details and current development status of the platform.


  • Implementation: When a feature or component is developed to a certain state.
  • Started Implementation: When development has begun on a feature or component but is not yet completed.
  • Refactoring: When a previous implementation has been significantly changed or improved.
  • If a feature or component is not mentioned, it means that development has not yet started.

Smart Contract:

  • Implemented EIP-2535 Diamond smart contract architecture for simplified upgradeability and maintenance using contract facets and libraries.
  • The architecture enforces immutability of created Task contracts, ensuring that the Task smart contract code cannot be changed after creation, and the Task data can only be modified by involved users based on their assigned privileges.
  • Implemented Hardhat tasks, deployment scripts, unit tests, and end-to-end tests for the Dodao Task-related business flow.
  • Improved smart contract test coverage and prepared for automatic smart contract verification at contract deployment.
  • Implemented principal ERC-1155 support for the Diamond contract and ported ERC-1155 unit tests to Hardhat.
  • Implemented tags support in the smart contract.
  • Implemented the Task contracts data accessor contract (TaskDataFacet) for batch Task loading and Task allowlists.
  • Implemented the Task token balance collection function for future multi-token Task contract functionality.
  • Implemented Task contracts data callbacks to the main diamond contract for optimized user wallet address storage, faster Task data loading, accounts allowlists, and future implementation of a statistical dashboard.
  • Refactored the Task contract to enable receiving original "msg.sender" via Connected contracts implementations (Axelar/Hyperlane/LayerZero/Wormhole).
  • Started implementation of Connected contracts functionality and tested smart contract deployment to other chains.

Diamond HLD Diagram

Here is how the current Dodao smart contract diamond architecture looks like:


  • Diamond storage contains Tasks, Accounts lists, Token, Connected contracts configuration, and aggregated data.
  • Task contract storage contains the Task data.

Readiness Status for Mainnet Launch

The current readiness status for the mainnet launch is mentioned in the [brackets].

  • [ready]: Generally ready, only minor changes may be required for the mainnet launch.
  • [mvp]: Provides basic functionality, needs more development and testing for the mainnet launch.
  • [dev]: Under development, has some functionality, but is not ready for testing.
  • [mock]: Mocked-up contract, development has not yet started.

Task and User Account Facets

  • TaskCreateFacet.sol [ready]: Creates non-upgradable Task contracts using the factory pattern.
  • TaskDataFacet.sol [ready]: Contains functions that read Tasks data from the Task contracts created by TaskCreateFacet. It also manages the Task contracts blacklist.
  • LibTasks.sol [ready] and LibTasksAudit.sol [ready]: Provide underlying functions for the above facets.
  • LibChat.sol [ready]: Provides in-Task chat functions.
  • AccountsFacet.sol [mvp]: Manages user accounts. It is called by Task contracts when a user participates in or completes the Task. It also manages the Accounts blacklist.
  • LibUtils.sol [dev]: Provides some generic functions to be reused by multiple facets.

Token Facets

  • TokenFacet.sol [mvp]: Creates ERC-1155 compatible fungible and non-fungible (NFT) tokens. It is generally ready for the implementation of complex user stories based on the already developed token functionality.
  • LibTokens.sol [ready]: Provides ERC-1155 functions for the TokenFacet facet.
  • TokenDataFacet.sol [mvp]: Contains more project-specific ERC-1155 related functions.
  • LibTokenData.sol [mvp]: Provides underlying functions for the TokenDataFacet facet.

Connected Contracts Facets

  • InterchainFacet.sol [mock]: Implements Moonbeam Connected contracts Axelar/Hyperlane/LayerZero/Wormhole protocol-specific functions.
  • LibInterchain.sol [dev]: Provides underlying functions for the Interchain facet.
  • TasksInterchainFacet.sol [dev]: Implements the Moonbeam Connected contracts concept by enabling interaction with the Task contracts via Axelar/Hyperlane/LayerZero and Wormhole Connected contracts protocols.
  • AxelarFacet.sol [dev]: Implements Axelar-specific functions for interchain calls.
  • HyperlaneFacet.sol [dev]: Implements Hyperlane-specific functions for interchain calls.
  • LayerzeroFacet.sol [dev]: Implements LayerZero-specific functions for interchain calls.
  • WormholeFacet.sol [dev]: Implements Wormhole-specific functions for interchain calls.

Witnet Oracle Facets

  • WitnetFacet.sol [dev]: Implements the connection with Witnet oracles to query GitHub repository data used to automatically sign Task reviews.
  • LibWitnetRequest.sol [dev]: Provides underlying functions for the WitnetFacet facet.



  • Refactored data loading to make use of the data accessor contract by loading Task data in batches.
  • Created a Task contract events monitoring system for instant Task refresh on contract updates.
  • Started implementing data analysis functions for the future dashboard.
  • Refactored to support the updated Task contract and prepared for Connected contracts implementation.
  • Refactored wallet connection functions for better user experience.
  • Implemented MetaMask connection for the Web version.
  • Refactored Wallet Connect functions for WalletConnect 1.0, keeping close with the WalletConnect community for future migration to WalletConnect 2.0.
  • Fixed bugs in the WebThree dart library to support tuples in the smart contract interface dart code generator, necessary for implementing Connected contracts.
  • Started implementing Connected contracts functionality.
  • Started implementing user roles based on NFTs.
  • Started implementing NFT tags functionality.
  • Successfully tested dApp builds for Web, Android, and Linux.


Design Update

  • Created a new UI design prototype and started implementing the new design in code.
  • Decided on the future Lottie usage for in-app animations and performed initial tests for the team designer to start working on it.
  • Refactored the Task dialog widget to the Task page.
  • Implemented Material Design principles for the UI, such as FAB, widget animation, and swipes.
  • Implemented a Telegram-like search widget and tags search.
  • Refactored in-app navigation to enable task hyperlinks for future public and hackathon tasks, and refactored most widgets to support widget animation.
  • Implemented skeletons for data loading, providing a better user experience.
  • Implemented a detailed Task Participant list for future connection with the smart contract.
  • Implemented the Task details page and Task chat.
  • Implemented the Auditor page.
  • Started implementing the Accounts page for account overview and details.
  • Implemented the tags manager widget for future integration with the smart contract and NFT tags.
  • Started implementing the NFT manager widget for future integration with the smart contract for creating, minting, and displaying available NFTs.
  • Implemented adding a GitHub repository to the Task and checking the repository pull requests via Witnet Oracle.

ADDED: Planned Features and Improvements

The team is continuously working on enhancing the platform and introducing new features. Some of the planned improvements and additions include:

  • Complete implementation of Connected contracts functionality for seamless cross-chain interactions.
  • Finalize the implementation of user roles and permissions based on NFTs.
  • Enhance the NFT tags system for better categorization and searching of Tasks and Performers.
  • Implement a comprehensive dashboard with analytics and insights for users.
  • Introduce a dispute resolution system with built-in escrow for secure payments.
  • Integrate with popular project management tools for better collaboration and task tracking.
  • Launch a mobile app for iOS and Android devices to provide a native experience for users.

As the development progresses, we will keep the community updated on the latest status and upcoming features. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!